• 2018.10.26
  • Update

Business Alliance with Guangzhou Mining Investment Co.

Kyoto University Innovation Capital Corporation ("Kyoto iCAP") (Head office: Sakyo-ku, Kyoto; Representative Director: Koji Murota) today signed an agreement (the "Agreement") for a comprehensive business alliance with Guangzhou Mining Investment Co. (headquartered in Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, China), and signed the Agreement at the Japan-China Third Country Market Cooperation Forum.

Business Alliance with Guangzhou Mining & Investment Co.
Guangzhou Private Investment was established under the auspices of the Guangzhou municipal government as a joint venture of 76 private enterprises (including 53 listed companies), mainly in Guangdong Province, with the mission of creating new businesses by leveraging the technology and industry influence of the shareholder companies and their respective resources. In addition, the company actively partners with renowned universities, research institutions, and industrial investment funds around the world to develop its business.

Guangzhou Private Investment's main areas of investment are in new materials, new energy, artificial intelligence, and life sciences, but it also operates and manages the 10 billion yuan (approximately 160 billion yen) "Guangzhou Biomedical Industry Investment Fund," giving it a significant advantage especially in the area of life sciences investment. It is also actively promoting collaboration with China Medical Valley, which Guangzhou City is planning to build, and matching with shareholder companies.

Kyoto iCAP concluded this agreement based on the judgment that a certain amount of synergy effect can be expected in the expansion of our portfolio companies into Asia, especially Greater China, through a tie-up with the Corporation. We have agreed to proceed with specific discussions, mainly in the area of venture development.

Outline of Guangzhou Minsheng Investment Co.

Establishment January 2017
Business Investment in and support for private enterprises
Head Office Location Guangzhou, Guangdong, People's Republic of China
Chairman of the Board Zhang Chomin


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