• 2025.2.13
  • Investment

New Investment in JiMED, Inc.

Innovation Kyoto 2021 Investment Limited Partnership ("KYOTO-ICAP No.2 Fund"), with Kyoto University Innovation Capital Corporation ("Kyoto iCAP") (Head Office: Sakyo-ku, Kyoto; Representative Director: Ko Kusumi) as unlimited liability partner, has made a new investment in JiMED Inc. (Head office: Suita, Osaka; CEO: Jin Nakamura).

Overview of this investment
 JiMED is a startup founded by Professor Masayuki Hirata by Osaka University and is working on the practical application of wireless implantable BCI (Brain Computer Interface).

 Wireless implantable BCI is a device that use a small sensor implanted in the head to read the electroencephalogram of the user and transmit it wirelessly to an external device. This technology provides people who have difficulty communicating through words or gestures due to illness or disability, new communication tools which is to input text or move a cursor on a computer. In addition, applications for moving motorized prosthetic arms and legs and assisting with vision and hearing are also being studied, and the device is expected to be used in the medical field.

Professor Hirata has been to successfully validate various proof of concepts in clinical research on wireless implantable BCI, such as operating a robotic arm and writing sentences with a communication device. JiMED will use the funds raised to manufacture the device for clinical trials and conduct non-clinical safety studies, with the aim of starting clinical trials within the next fiscal year.

 Kyoto iCAP has evaluated the high potential of the wireless implantable BCI that JiMED is trying to commercialize, and in collaboration with Keio Innovation Initiative Inc. and GREEN CORE, LTD, has executed a 100 million yen investment out of a total 350 million yen private placement of new shares.

Outline of JiMED Co.
Establishment : March 2020
Business : Research and development of wireless implantable brain-computer interface
Head office: Suita, Osaka, Japan
CEO: Jin Nakamura

About Kyoto University Innovation Capital Co., Ltd.
As a wholly-owned subsidiary of Kyoto University, KYOTO-iCAP provides investment and other business support to companies that utilize research results generated by Kyoto University and other national universities. We currently operate the Innovation Kyoto 2016 Investment Limited Partnership ("KYOTO-iCAP 1 Fund") (established in January 2016) with a total value of 16 billion yen and the KYOTO-iCAP 2 Fund (established in January 2021) with a total value of 18.1 billion yen. The KYOTO-iCAP No. 1 Fund has a maturity of up to 20 years, and the KYOTO-iCAP No. 2 Fund has a maturity of up to 17 years, making it possible to provide long-term support for the practical application of research results from Kyoto University, which has strengths in basic research. In addition, KYOTO-iCAP No. 2 Fund will invest a portion of the funds in ventures originating from national universities other than Kyoto University.

Contact information for inquiries
Kyoto University Innovation Capital Co., Ltd.
36-1 Yoshida Honmachi, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8317, Japan
Osami Kono, Senior Officer, Business Development Department
TEL: 075-753-7588 FAX: 075-753-7592



Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.

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